Saturday 17 May 2014


Convert Mozilla Browser To Keylogger:

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Whenever you login into any website using mozilla firefox browser it always ask’s
you whether you want to Save password or not for that website.

We will be using a script that will not give the user option to save the password instead it will automatically save the passwords without user’s consent and we will retrieve them later.

The key-logger will work on the basis of a script that disables the Firefox browser to ask the user to save his password whenever he logins to a website. Thereby, allowing the Firefox to store his username and password combination automatically
without prompting the user.

Follow these steps to convert your firefox into a keylogger :

1. First and foremost, download the firefox keylogger script.

2. If you are a Windows user, then navigate to C:/Program Files/Mozilla
Firefox/Components and if you are using MAC, then navigate to Applications -> Right Click Firefox -> Show Package Contents -> Contents/MacOS/Components

3. In the downloaded rar file, you will find a script named as nsLoginManagerPrompter.js, simply extract and then copy and paste the file in the folder that is applicable to you.

4. Your Firefox keylogger is now ready and whenever anyone enters his username and password on any site,his/her details would be saved automatically which can be easily retrieved using Fire Password viewer!!!