+--+ Top 10 DDoser's, Booters, Stressers +--+
Posted in Attacks+--+ Top 10 DDoser's, Booters, Stressers +--+
DDos stands for (Distributed Denial Of Service) Attack..
DDos Attacks involve saturating the target machine with external communications requests (commonly know as packets)...so much so that it cannot respond to legitimate traffic...Doing this in the manner I will explain involves a hosted domain DDos tool/program that Will send these packages for you. These ddos tools work on Runescape, Minecraft, Xbox, Playstation 3, Skype, Websites, and Servers!
- Free Skype Beta Resolver - http://www.iSkypeResolve.com/
Top 10 Booters
#1: Jam Stresser - http://www.jamstresser.com/ (60GB/s of Power)(Stop Button)(Instant Attacks)(Skype Resolvers)(So Powerful)(Best Price)(Great Support)(Every Attack Method)
#2: Titanium Stresser - http://titaniumstresser.net/ (13 Attack Methods)(Hard Hitting)(100% uptime)
#3 Avenge Stresser -http://www.avengestresser.com/ (Strongest Power)(Best Quality)(Max Boot Time)(Nice Price)
#4: Bootr Stresser - http://bootr.org/ (Fast Hitting)(Powerful)(Great Staff)(Free Tools)(Support Ticket System)
#5: Cell Stresser - http://www.renegade-products.net/ (So Powerful)(Up for 2 years)(Great Support)
#6: Simplicity Stresser - http://simplicityplus.biz/ (Good Power)
#7: DejaBooter Stresser - http://www.dejabooter.com/ (Max Time)
#8: Legion Booter- http://legion.cm/ (Max Power) (Max Time)
#9: Masterboot - http://www.masterboot.net/ (Easy to Use)(Hard Hitting)
#10: TW Booter - http://booter.tw/index.php (Good Price)(Hard Hitting)
Many of these booters do not exist anymore, goto top10booters.com for updated list. Maybe the author will read this and update the list :)